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Talk Neuro to Me (Fala-me Neuro) was invited to participate in the round table on scientific communication, within the scope of COLife Postdoc Day'22, alongside projects and personalities such as "Native Scientist", "Podcast com Razão" and Dr Maria Serrano.

During this round table we had the opportunity to debate the importance of scientific communication, particularly for academic researchers.

18 November 2022

COLife PostDoc Day 2022

Fala-me Neuro participated in the 2022 European Researchers' Night, at the Champalimaud Foundation in Lisbon.

In a night full of activities and surrounded by super interesting projects, we were in contact with the public for around 3 hours sharing Neuroscience in the most diverse ways. From explaining a 3D brain model to adults, to crafts with little ones.


We had a lot of fun sharing a lot of knowledge about Neuroscience.

September 30, 2022

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European Researchers' Night 2022

As Talk Neuro to Me (Fala-me Neuro) is one of the winners of the FENS and Dana Foundation grants for International Brain Week 2022, we were invited by FENS as speakers for an interactive webinar to share useful tips on how to prepare an effective application for FENS-Dana Awareness Week 2023 and how to hold a science communication event for the public. The webinar had around 100 participants and included an interactive question and answer session with the speakers to provide practical tips to the audience.

8 November 2022

Running a Brain Awareness Week Event in 2023

Talk Neuro to Me (Fala-me Neuro) joined the inauguration of the IZZI Educational Activities Center, in Figueira da Foz, where it held a workshop for children and adults.



  • Brain myths

  • Construction of neural networks

  • Brain under a microscope

  • The brain behind optical illusion

April 30, 2022

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How about we educate Neuroscience?
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We were invited by Brain Gain, a project focused on stimulating careers in Neuroscience for higher education and secondary school students, to participate in an online debate about science communication. We had the opportunity to discuss and share ideas about the state of science communication in Portugal and about possible careers in this area with other communication projects. This first edition had around 800 entries from students across the country and was extremely stimulating!

2 March 2022

Brain Gain- Discovering Neuroscience

As part of International Brain Week 2022, Talk Neuro to Me (Fala-me Neuro) visited Basic and Secondary Education schools in 5 locations spread across Portuguese territory (Vila Nova de Famalicão, Coimbra, Lisbon and Portimão), where we addressed the topic "The Brain and the time".

In this initiative funded by FENS and Dana Foundation, we reached approximately 500 students with lectures on brain development and circadian rhythm (adapted to different ages) and many practical activities (puzzles, quizzes, crafts, souvenirs) that promoted Neuroscience education.

March 2022

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International Brain Week 2022
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